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(#3) Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) - [7.5/10]

Updated: Apr 8, 2019

Foster child moves to a new home. Runs away.

Ricky Baker runs away to the wild when his foster mother dies. However, his cantankerous uncle Hec joins him and gets to know him better on their way out of the wild.

How would I describe this film in one word?


Note Foster child moves to a new home. Runs away. Uncle follows and finds him, but breaks his leg in the process and now the two have to journey through the woods and run from the police who try to track the missing foster child. That's the story in a (rather large) nutshell.


It's quite a sweet story. It examines the relationship between a troubled child and a reluctant father figure. The trek through the expanse of the Lord of the Rings set (New Zealand) while being chased by police forces and a rather angry child welfare personell. The director opts a rather unique style of humour. It's weird, occasionally funny, occasionally hilarious, never boring. It's not the kind of movie that'll get you to the edge of your seat. It's rather the kind of movie that you could relax, enjoy the sublime visuals and have a nice chuckle on a quiet Saturday afternoon. It's emotions and sentimentality are very real. It didn't force me to love it but made me notice and take delight in the subtle growth of the relationship of the two as the movie progressed - pacing at it's finest.

RATING: 7.5/10


Director: Taika Waititi Rated: PG-13 Runtime: 1 hr 41 min Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama Starring: Sam Neill, Julian Dennison, Rima Te Wiata

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