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(#77) John Wick 3: Parrabellum (2019) - [8.5/10]

John Wick has a mega-bounty on his head attracting every assassin in the world.

Super-assassin John Wick is on the run after killing a member of the international assassin's guild, and with a $14 million price tag on his head - he is the target of hit men and women everywhere.

How would I describe this film in one word?



I haven't seen any of the previous John Wick installments on the big screen (I have seen the on the small screen I mean), but I'm glad I watched this one.


Exactly what you would want from an action film. The third chapter of the John Wick franchise delivers its same iconic style and class that we've grown to love. It doesn't give you a minute to catch your breath and dives straight into its relentless action sequences. And the movie may be 50% or more filled with fight scenes, just like we wanted. A mix of fist fighting, sword fighting, dog fighting (yeah), shooting and bike/horse chasing scenes, each and every one having its own distinct jawdropping moment. And even after being served a plethora of action sequences, you just can't get enough. Cause it's THAT GOOD. Not only was it mindless fighting in this movie but they also dove deeper into the character and history of John Wick and gave him more meaning and personality. They also introduced a new nemesis for the movie and developed it to be the central plot for the next film. I just can't wait for the next one. I can't recommend this movie enough, it's just the perfect weekend popcorn film (finished a whole tub without looking cause my eyes were glued onto the screen - weird flex but oka-).

P.S. I just wish they didn't cut out those gore censored scenes. Didn't make sense cause the uncensored scenes were already pretty gorey as it is, how much worse could it have gotten really?

RATING: 8.5/10


Director: Chad Stahelski

Rated: R

Runtime: 2 hr 11 min

Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller

Starring: Keanu Reeves, Halle Berry, Ian McShane

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